Acts 28:23-31, The Fragrant Gospel
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# The Fragrant Gospel #
## Acts 使徒行傳 28:23-31 >>> + Do you have **loved ones** + for whom you **care** deeply, but + have not yet **turned** to obedience to Christ? + invited to church, shared gospel, but + resistant, stubborn, take **offense** --- ## How do I **react** to those who
take **offense** at the gospel? ##
>>> + How do I **respond**? + Combat? Frustration? Resignation? + Apostle **Paul** encountered opposition + What did he **do**? ****** They arranged to **meet Paul** on a certain day,
and came in even **larger numbers**
to the place where he was staying. He **witnessed** to them
from morning till evening,
explaining about the **kingdom of God**, and from the **Law** of Moses
and from the **Prophets**
he tried to **persuade** them about Jesus. [Acts 28:23 (NIV) (p.1/5)](# "ref") ****** [24](# "ref") Some were **convinced** by what he said,
but others **would not** believe. [25](# "ref") They **disagreed** among themselves
and began to leave
after Paul had made this final statement: “The **Holy Spirit** spoke the truth
to your ancestors
when he said through **Isaiah** the prophet: [Acts 28:24-25 (NIV) (p.2/5)](# "ref") ****** [26](# "ref") “ ‘Go to this people and say,
“You will be ever **hearing**
but never **understanding**;
you will be ever **seeing** but never **perceiving**.” [27](# "ref") For this people’s **heart**
has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their **ears**,
and they have closed their **eyes**. [Acts 28:26-27 (NIV) (p.3/5)](# "ref") ****** “ ‘Otherwise they might **see** with their eyes,
**hear** with their ears,
**understand** with their hearts
and **turn**, and I would **heal** them.’ [28](# "ref") “Therefore I want you to know
that God’s **salvation**
has been sent to the **Gentiles**,
and they will listen!” [Acts 28:27-28 (NIV) (p.4/5)](# "ref") ****** [30](# "ref") For **two** whole years Paul
stayed there in his own rented house
and **welcomed** all who came to see him. [31](# "ref") He **proclaimed** the kingdom of God
and **taught** about the Lord Jesus Christ --
with all **boldness** and without hindrance! [Acts 28:30-31 (NIV) (p.5/5)](# "ref") --- ## The Fragrant Gospel [(Ac28)](# "ref") 1. Paul's heart: **Persuasion** [(v23)](# "ref")
2. Hearers' response: **Partition** [(v24-25)](# "ref")
3. Spirit's prophecy: **Promise** [(v26-27)](# "ref")
聖靈的預言: **應許**
4. Paul's lifestyle: **Proclamation** [(v28-31)](# "ref")
>>> + 1. **Lays out** gospel to beloved countrymen + 2. Hearers are **divided** in response + some believe, others take offense + 3. Paul **remembers** OT prophecy, but + 4. **continues** proclaiming gospel to all who would listen ---
## Paul and
the Jews + **Persecution**:
[Acts 13-14, 17-18, 21](# "ref") + **Heart** for Jews:
[Romans 9-11](# "ref")

[Rembrandt, "Apostle Paul", ~1633]( "caption") >>> + The people who **opposed** Paul were **Jews** + Paul **himself** was a Jew + Book of **Acts** has the history of persecution + but it's the book of **Romans** + that explains Paul's **heart** + for the people who persecuted him + What was Paul's **attitude** toward them? + Hate? **Give up**? Avoid? --- I have great **sorrow**
and unceasing **anguish** in my heart.
[3](# "ref") For I could wish that I myself
were **cursed** and **cut off** from Christ
for the sake of **my people**,
those of **my own race**, the people of **Israel**.
我是大有憂愁, 心裡時常傷痛;
為我弟兄, 我骨肉之親, 就是自己被咒詛,
與基督分離, 我也願意。
[Romans 羅馬 9:2-3 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + Paul **loved** Israel deeply! + not **enemies** but fellow **countrymen** + (we should not **hate** the Jews, either) + they are **pious**, moral, desired to do good + not **deliberately** wicked + So **how** did Paul share gospel with them? --- He **witnessed** to them
from morning till evening,
**explaining** about the kingdom of God,
and from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets
he tried to **persuade** them about Jesus.
保羅從早到晚, 對他們講論這事,
證明神國的道, 引摩西的律法和先知的書,
[Acts 使徒行傳 28:23 (NIV/CUV)](# "ref") [Nikolas Bodarevsky, "Trial of the Apostle Paul", 1875]( "caption") >>> + 3 main **verbs** + 1: **lay out**, put forth, clear exposition: + God's **holiness** + mankind's **sin** + rebellion + Christ's **grace** on the cross + our need to **repent** + 2: **witness**, testify, recount: *martyr* + what we've **seen** + lived + focus not on **messenger** + but on **message** of gospel + 3: **persuade**: faith, trust, convince + like a **sales pitch**? + no, in fact Paul says: ---
My **message** and preaching were
not in **persuasive** words of wisdom,
but in demonstration of the **Spirit** and
of **power**, [5](# "ref") so that your **faith** would
not rest on the **wisdom of men**,
but on the **power of God**.
我說的話、 講的道,
[5](# "ref") 叫你們的信不在乎人的智慧,
 [1 Cor 2:4-5 (NASB/CUV)](# "ref")
[Karel Dujardin, "St Paul at Lystra", 1633]( "caption") >>> + "persuasive": same root as **faith**: + what I find **persusasive** tells me + what my **faith** rests on + **What** is persuasive? + **Eloquence**, cleverness, cultural relevance? + or Holy **Spirit** + **power** of God? + Do I want to make + **disciples** of my personality, + or disciples of **Christ**? --- [Raphael, "St. Paul Preaching in Athens", 1515]( "caption") >>> + Most in our culture are like **Greeks** + Paul speaking to Athenians in Acts 17 + Also starting from their **piety** + desire to do the **right** thing: ---
“Men of **Athens**, I observe that
you are **very religious** ...
... I found an altar,
Therefore what you **worship** in ignorance,
this I **proclaim** to you."
...遇見一座壇, 上面寫著未識之神。
[]( [Acts 使徒行傳 17:22-23 (NASB/CUV)](# "ref")
>>> + Thirst for **spiritual** fulfillment + 89% of US adults believe in "God or a universal spirit" + but God is **unknown**, vague, abstract + so they fill **void** w/other pursuits + Present God as **Creator** + **revealed** in Christ --- ## Do I love my **pious countrymen**?
Love them enough
to **lay out** the gospel
clearly to them? ##
>>> + **countrymen**: CN, TW, HK, US + common **background**: neighbours, classmates + **pious**: want to be good/moral/ethical + Lay out → testify → persuade + in Holy Spirit + power --- ## The Fragrant Gospel [(Ac28)](# "ref") 1. Paul's heart: Persuasion [(v23)](# "ref")
2. **Hearers' response: Partition** [(v24-25)](# "ref")
3. Spirit's prophecy: Promise [(v26-27)](# "ref")
聖靈的預言: 應許
4. Paul's lifestyle: Proclamation [(v28-31)](# "ref")
>>> + When the gospel is **laid out** clearly, + What should we expect the **response** to be? --- Some were **convinced** by what he said,
but others **would not believe**. [25](# "ref") They **disagreed** among themselves
and began to **leave** ...
他所說的話, 有信的, 有不信的。 [25](# "ref") 他們彼此不合, 就散了
[Acts 使徒行傳 28:24-25 (NIV/CUV)](# "ref") >>> + Cause **divisions**, **reveal** hearts + Wait, didn't Jesus come to bring **peace**? + shortly after Jesus' birth: --- ### The Sign of Contradiction [Rembrandt, "Simeon's Song of Praise", 1631]( "caption") >>> + Baby Jesus presented at **temple** + Righteous **Simeon** prophesied: --- Behold, this child is appointed for
the **fall** and **rising** of many in Israel,
and for a **sign** that is **opposed** --
[35](# "ref") and a **sword** will pierce through your own **soul** also --
so that **thoughts** from many hearts may be **revealed**.
這孩子被立, 是要叫以色列中許多人跌倒,
許多人興起; 又要作毀謗的話柄,
[Luke 路加 2:34-35 (ESV/CUV)](# "ref") >>> + God's unwavering truth cuts like a **sword** + not a **weapon** to be used against others: + pierces our **own** soul, too + Reveals sin in **facade** of good + we Chinese are very good at **pretending** to be polite + but **hide** all sorts of bitterness + envy inside + Did Jesus come to bring **peace**? --- Do not suppose that I have come
to bring **peace** to the earth.
I did not come to bring peace, but a **sword**.
[Matthew 馬太 10:34 (NIV/CUV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") [© Søren Niedziella, CC-BY 2.0]( "caption") >>> + We have **vague** definitions of what it means to be good/moral + Jesus makes it very **simple**: + v38 take up **cross** + follow + v39 **lose life** for My sake + Demands 100% response + Either **all-in** or **all-out** + Hard when it gets **personal**: --- Anyone who loves their **father or mother**
more than me is not worthy of me;
anyone who loves their **son or daughter**
more than me is not worthy of me.
[Matthew 馬太 10:37 (NIV/CUV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") [Bryan Dilts]( "caption") >>> + do I love **Christ** more than I love my **family**? + Many of us in **sandwich** generation: + caring of young **kids**, and + also caring for elderly **parents** + Family is **visible** + demanding + Christ is **invisible** + gracious + **True love** for family means: + Stand **firm** on God's truth + Don't make **excuses** for their sin --- ## Has the **sword** of Christ's kingship pierced **my own** soul?
Am I willing to let it **divide** my loved ones? ##
>>> + To be a **disciple** of Christ + demands **complete** devotion + When I **proclaim** the gospel boldly, + expect it to cause **divisions**: + **most** will take offense at it, but + a **remnant** will repent --- ## The Fragrant Gospel [(Ac28)](# "ref") 1. Paul's heart: Persuasion [(v23)](# "ref")
2. Hearers' response: Partition [(v24-25)](# "ref")
3. **Spirit's prophecy: Promise** [(v26-27)](# "ref")
**聖靈的預言: 應許**
4. Paul's lifestyle: Proclamation [(v28-31)](# "ref")
>>> + But if most will **reject** gospel, + **Why**? Whose **fault** is it? + What do we **do** about it? + Paul quotes a **prophecy** from Isaiah: --- Go, and say to this people:
“Keep on **hearing**, but do not understand;
keep on **seeing**, but do not perceive."
[10](# "ref") Make the heart of this people **dull**,
and their ears **heavy**, and **blind** their eyes
看是要看見,卻不曉得。 [10](# "ref") 要使這百姓心蒙脂油,耳朵發沉,眼睛昏迷
[Isaiah 以賽亞 6:9-10 (NIV/CUV)](# "ref") [TobiasD]( "caption") >>> + Hebrew: "Hear, you will **certainly** hear" + but will not **understand** + *(impf/proph-fut + inf abs)* + God tells Isaiah to **cause** their + hearts to be **fat** (slow, lazy) + ears to be **heavy** (unable to hear) + eyes to be **clouded** (blinded) + *(hiphil impr)* + **How** does preaching the gospel make a heart **dull**? + Romans gives an **example**: --- [7](# "ref") I would not have **known** what sin was
had it not been for the **law**.
For I would not have known
what **coveting** really was
if the law had not said, “**You shall not covet**.”
[Romans 羅馬 7:7 (NIV/CUV) (p.1/3)](# "ref") --- [8](# "ref") But **sin**, seizing the **opportunity**
afforded by the commandment,
produced in me every kind of coveting.
[Romans 羅馬 7:8 (NIV/CUV) (p.2/3)](# "ref") >>> + If I tell you, "No **ice cream**, it's bad for you" + you'll think about + **want** it + Law is good, to bring **life**, but + **sin** sprang to life + and **killed** me --- In order that sin might be **recognized as sin**,
it used what is **good** to bring about **my death**,
so that through the commandment **sin** might become **utterly sinful**.
[Romans 羅馬 7:13 (NIV/CUV) (p.3/3)](# "ref") >>> + The **sword** of God's Word does 2 things: + Reveals God's **holiness**, and + Makes sin utterly **sinful** + Preached to **hardened** hearts: + Hardens them even **more** + Does that mean the gospel **fails**? + God is not **powerful** enough? --- ## A Partial Hardening ### [Romans 9-11](# "ref") + Did God's Word **fail**? → [9:6]( "ref") + Is God **unfair**? → [9:14]( "ref") + Isn't it all God's **fault** anyway? → [9:19]( "ref") + Can't I just be **moral** / ethical? → [9:32]( "ref") + How then is **anyone** saved? → [10:8-10]( "ref") + Are they lost **forever**? → [11:1-2]( "ref") + Are we **better** than they are? → [11:18-21]( "ref") >>> + **Romans 9-11** addresses this + and many other **questions** + when it seems like evangelism **fails** + Needs a **change of heart** + work of **Holy Spirit** --- lest they **understand** with their hearts,
and **turn** and be **healed**.
[Isaiah 以賽亞 6:10 (NIV/CUV)](# "ref") [© 2012 Bethany Petrik, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]( "caption") >>> + e.g., dressing son for **bed**: + I'm trying to **help**; he refuses it + me: **fine**, dress yourself + him: then I take off **everything** + I can force his external **behaviour**, + but can't force a **change of heart** + but never give up on **own child** + **continue** to proclaim + if there is **life**, there is **hope** + **Isaiah** himself asks God: --- Then I said, “For **how long**, Lord?”
And he answered: “Until the cities lie **ruined**
and without inhabitant
[Isaiah 以賽亞 6:11,13 (NIV/CUV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") --- But as the terebinth and **oak**
leave **stumps** when they are cut down,
so the **holy seed** will be the stump in the land.”
[Isaiah 以賽亞 6:11,13 (NIV/CUV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") >>> + oak/stump represent **strength** + *(oak: 1st, preeminent, landmark)* + *(stump: stone, obelisk, fort)* + holy **Seed** (singular): + A **remnant** redeem by Jesus + even though **many** will reject gospel: --- So too, at the present time
there is a **remnant** chosen by grace.
[Romans 羅馬 11:5 (NIV/CUV)](# "ref") >>> + Always **hope** for a remnant + After **hardened** hearts + **opposition**, rebellion + God's **discipline** + there is also God's **grace** --- ## How do I **react** to those who
take **offense** at the gospel? ##
>>> + Combat? **Frustration**? Resignation? + "Well, **forget** you!" + "Meh, I did my **job**" + Instead, have heartfelt **hope** + and continue to **proclaim**: --- ## The Fragrant Gospel [(Ac28)](# "ref") 1. Paul's heart: Persuasion [(v23)](# "ref")
2. Hearers' response: Partition [(v24-25)](# "ref")
3. Spirit's prophecy: Promise [(v26-27)](# "ref")
聖靈的預言: 應許
4. **Paul's lifestyle: Proclamation** [(v28-31)](# "ref")
>>> How did Paul **continue** after the **disappointment** of rejection? --- [28](# "ref") God’s **salvation** has been sent
to the **Gentiles**, and they will **listen**!”
[30](# "ref") For **two whole years** Paul stayed there
in his own rented house
and **welcomed** all who came to see him.
[28](# "ref") 神這救恩,如今傳給外邦人,他們也必聽受。 [30](# "ref") 保羅在自己所租的房子裡住了足足兩年。
[Acts 使徒行傳 28:28,30-31 (NIV/CUV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") >>> + still **preaching** gospel, but + moved on to the **Gentiles** + stayed in **rented** house: making tents + *(1Co9, 2Co11)* + **welcomed** all who wanted to know **more** + both **Jews** and Gentiles --- [31](# "ref") He **proclaimed** the *kingdom of God*
and **taught** about the *Lord Jesus Christ* --
with all **boldness** and without **hindrance**.
[Acts 使徒行傳 28:28,30-31 (NIV/CUV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + proclaimed (**preach**): + that God is **king** + **taught**: about God revealed in Jesus + with boldness (**free speech**) + and unhindered (without **stopping**) + so in 2Cor Paul **describes** himself in this way: --- [14](# "ref") Thanks be to God, who in Christ
always leads us in **triumphal procession**,
and through us spreads the **fragrance**
of the **knowledge of Him** everywhere.
[2 Corinthians 歌林多後 2:14-16 (ESV/CUV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") --- [15](# "ref") For we are the **aroma of Christ** to God
among those who are being **saved**
and among those who are **perishing**,
[16](# "ref") to one a fragrance **from death to death**,
to the other a fragrance **from life to life**.
都有基督馨香之氣。 [16](# "ref") 在這等人,就作了死的香氣叫他死;
[2 Corinthians 歌林多後 2:14-16 (ESV/CUV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + **boldly** proclaim Christ: + be a **smelly** Christian! + like **durian**: either **love** it or **hate** it + we are a fragrance from **life** to life: + hearing God's **truth**, + they respond with godly **sorrow** + leading to **repentance** + receiving God's **grace** + we are a stench from **death** to death: + hearing God's **truth** + they **turn away**, because + their hearts are **veiled** + but when one **turns** to the Lord + that veil is **lifted** --- ## Do I exude the **fragrance of Christ** in my daily life? ##
>>> + not about being a **nice guy** / moral / charitable! + acknowledge own **unworthiness** + our **rebellion** against God + our need for **redemption** + point to **Christ**'s death + resurrection + giving us new **life** + **proclaim** gospel boldly + from **death** to death, + from **life** to life + **Read** 2Cor together again, last slide: --- [15](# "ref") For we are the **aroma of Christ** to God
among those who are being **saved**
and among those who are **perishing**,
[16](# "ref") to one a fragrance **from death to death**,
to the other a fragrance **from life to life**.
都有基督馨香之氣。 [16](# "ref") 在這等人,就作了死的香氣叫他死;
[2 Corinthians 歌林多後 2:14-16 (ESV/CUV)](# "ref") ---